Doggish Female Names -- Some Parameters for Defining

What's in a name? For the rhetorical Shakespeare's Juliet, a name might be a doom or a curse. Well, we all know her situation: because her name involves a family name which had been enemy for her lover's family, she couldn't consummate her love.

Anyway, dog owners do not have to be in Juliet's place -- fortunate enough for us. And hence a name for our dog really matters. In fact, when a newborn canine comes to see the sun, we are thrilled and almost immediately work our mind to find a name for this baby.

But we have been patient enough to wait until we know the baby's sex so that we can name it appropriately according to its sex (and hence you can get rid off this possessive problem -- is the correct possessive his, her, or its?). For our current interest, let's take that the newborn is of a female. The name for her should be appropriate enough for platonic as well as practical reason.

What I mean by platonic reason is that her name should be an expression of your deep care for her and hence contributes in developing a rapport between we and our girl dog. Meanwhile the practical reason means that we feel convenient when we are calling the name. Well, its logical.

But claims that "calm or soothing names tend to be more placid and calm". I think the "placid and calm" can be applied both for the owner as well as for the dog. I couldn't agree more with another claim of this resource: "the name you give your dog may reveal something about you as a person". Well, at least you have shown how your brain worked by defining a certain name for a girl newborn dog.

I recently browsed the net and find some resources, which you can see at the bottom of this post -- one of which is one that I had mentioned above. Reading from these useful resources, I found that dog owners have been for years naming their four legged creatures according to some parameters or sources of inspiration, namely:

  1. favorite personalities
  2. books
  3. the dog's nature and personality
  4. Internet

For the next posts, I'll write about each of these parameters with deeper drilling. But in case you want to make your own exploration, below is the list resources that shall help you contemplate the doggish female names:

  • - the introduction of this site is informing and very useful, compact, and clear.
  • - dog names in all nations and languages
  • - list of female names with categories like "cool",  "unique", "funny", "unusual", and the like.
  • - the site's name indicates its concentration.
  • - two eternal enemies' names in one site? Mmm, it's great if you want to skim-read names without have to read a description.***