Dog Toys -- Rubber

Let’s get price shoved aside for a while we are talking about dog toys at the moment. This way we can determine the ideals instead of the realistic. The philosopher John Dewey had indeed stated that pragmatism is the character of our people. But that does not mean that imagination should be restrained, right? So I will talk about ideal play things for the canines and that should be anything made of rubber.

Rubber is flexible for almost a wide range of environment. We all know that rubber had been made into tire for cars -- many kinds of cars from town cars to cars designed for off-road uses. We can also spot rubber in many tools and devices in our own everyday live, from the hinge our doors to the soles of our shoes. And it performs well too, right? We seldom have to change our rubber-based tools and devices. We only change them after some time -- after they had completely torn apart with frequent use.

Now, why we don’t try to make use of this great material for giving our puppies a day full of fun without we have to make frequent purchase? Alright, now we get into the realistic. There are many manufacturers that already produced a full line of dog toys with rubber as the basic material so we don’t have to face difficulties finding one.

Hard Rubber Play Things
We have names like “Kong” and scores of other brands for this type of play things. The most notable advantage of the hard rubber play things is that our four-legged creatures won’t be too easy breaking these things apart. Swallowing a play thing as little pieces is also unheard of. Tennis balls can indeed a great thing for our puppies but they will soon be chewed and ingested. Play things made of hard rubber shall preserve longer.

We love seeing our four-legged friends eagerly running-and-catching for Frisbee. Of course there are also Frisbees for us but canine’s Frisbees, while similar in shape and appearance to ours, are a little bit softer but tougher. Hence we wouldn’t have to be worry when the friend chase the UFO and finally catch it. It won’t be able to tear the UFO apart. By frequently exercising the friend with Frisbees, we can also stimulate the body and the mind of our friend so that tools with long lasting material will be great.

Large Ball
This may be the dog toys that will be best pleasing our friend. The friend, by its very nature, loves to run and push a big thing like large ball. And even if the puppy has the sharpest teeth in the neighborhood, the large ball will be intact. Thus we don’t have to be worry that the friend might swallow tiny pieces of dangerous materials.***

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